Mehr Mam Arian Company, as an industrial group with two subsidiaries in independent but related fields, pursues its extensive activities

 Adimi Industrial Group (Food Machinery Manufacturer)

 Mehr Mam Arian Food Industries Company

Mehr Mam Arian Company has started to specialize in the field of producing wafers, especially roller wafers, since 2014 with the Top Tom brand. The equipment and machinery of this company has been designed, manufactured and commissioned by its founders with extensive research, which produces products using the requirements and standards related to this industry, and with the continuous improvement of production systems, the products grow rapidly in terms of It helps quantitatively and qualitatively. All the products of this company are prepared and presented from high quality raw materials in a completely healthy and hygienic way and are produced under the supervision of the standard office and the Food and Drug Administration. Mehr Mam Arian Company, in addition to meeting domestic needs with an expert view of global markets in the field of exports, has left a brilliant record in the first phase of sales to Asian countries due to the quality and variety of mass production